Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to build wind turbines

This is another tutorial that will help us to gain independence from the energy corporations and prepare for the times to come. Creating electricity from the power of the wind combined with solar energy will provide any structure with more than enough energy. Just like we did with the solar power tutorial, we've provided the inexpensive way to make wind turbines along with a way to purchase wind turbines as well. We also provided information on battery banks and this can be used for both solar and wind power for your homes.

How to Make an Inexpensive Vertical Wind Turbine - Part 1

How to Make an Inexpensive Vertical Wind Turbine - Part 2

Wind Turbine charging batteries Part 1

Wind Turbine Charging batteries Part 2

Solar and wind battery bank

Battery Bank Considerations

Wind Turbine 12v sample diagram

Wind turbine 24v sample diagram

Windmax wind generator convertor 12v

Getting the materials and assembling the system can be made a lot easier if you come together in your communities to do the work needed. For anyone who isn't yet skilled in electronics, the information is available in the Introduction to basic electronics course that we posted from the Indian Institute of Technology.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Introduction to Basic Electronics:Indian Institute of Technology Madras

In the midst of creating another tutorial so we can become less dependent on this current society, we realized an important factor. We need to provide knowledge of how basic electronics work so you can do it yourselves. This lecture will provide understanding of electronics so people in our communities can build homes that are solar powered, convert automobiles to electric, and create those devices that will help us during the troubled times that are ahead of us. Why depend on corporations? We would like to thank Professor T.S.Natarajan, of the Department of physics, at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, this is an outstanding lecture series and much needed information.

Lecture - 1 Introduction to Basic Electronics

Lecture - 2 Electronic Devices 1

Lecture - 3 Electronics Devices

Lecture - 4 Some Useful Laws in Basic Electronics

Lecture - 5 Some Useful Theorems in Basic Electronics

Lecture - 6 Semi Conductor Diodes

Lecture - 7 Application of Diodes

Lecture - 8 Wave Shaping using Diodes

Lecture - 9 Zener Diode Characteristics

Lecture - 10 Transistors

Lecture - 11 Transistor Biasing

Lecture - 12 Transistor Biasing

Lecture - 13 Basic Characteristic of an Amplifer

Lecture - 14 Hybrid Equivalent Circuit, H-Parameters

Lecture - 15 Circuit Analysis using H-Parameters

Lecture - 16 Frequency Response of Amplifiers

Lecture - 17 Frequency Analysis

Lecture - 18 Power Amplifiers

Lecture - 19 Differential Amplifiers CKT

Lecture - 20 Integrated Chip

Lecture - 21 Typical Characteristic of Operation Amplifier

Lecture - 22 Four Types of Feed Back

Lecture - 23 Four Types of Feed Back

Lecture - 24 Mathematical Operations

Lecture - 25 Mathematical Operations

Lecture - 26 Mathematical Operations

Lecture - 27 Characteristics of Operation Amplifier

Lecture - 28 Characteristics of Operation Amplifier

Lecture - 29 Characteristics of Operation Amplifier

Lecture - 30 Inverter/Non-Inverter Circuits

Lecture - 31 Applications of Op Amps

Lecture - 32 Non-Linear Op Amp circuits

Lecture - 33 Applications of Op Amps

Lecture - 34 Active Diode Circuits

Lecture - 35 Oscillatiors

Lecture - 36 Logarthmic and Anti-Logarthmic Amplifer

Lecture - 37 Filters

Lecture - 38 Unit Junction Transistor

Lecture - 39 Silicion Controlled Rectifier

Lecture - 40 Field Effect Transistor

Lecture-41-MOS Field Effect Transistor(Contd)

Lecture - 42 The Final Lecture

We encourage everyone to have a basic understanding of electronics regardless of whether you apply it or not. If there were someone in your household, community, or network of friends who may be interested, it would be a good idea to introduce them to this lecture series. It’s going to be essential to have someone who knows how electronic devices work for all of the reasons stated earlier.
"Love thy neighbor as thyself"

Monday, March 7, 2011

EXODUS series: Sierra Leone

To this point we have highlighted relocation destinations that are well established and that can be acted upon immediately.Panama and Ecuador are great places for those who are looking to retire in a place that provides a higher quality of life then one presently has. There is a new feature to the EXODUS series that will focus on countries with potential for growth and relocation.These countries would be an ideal place for those who would like to invest and help develop the "Last Frontier" and last known residence to many.

It's easy to see the potential in a country like Sierra Leone so it will be our first "Country with Potential". With a capitol named Freetown that is an underdeveloped version of the California's Bay area, one can't help but be excited about the potential for growth in the country. As with most of the population of West Africa, the population in Sierra Leone is fairly low (6 million) because most of the inhabitants were brought to work as slaves in the Western Hemisphere. In doing research on Sierra Leone, we found that with the cost of building a new home being around $35,000 dollars, it may be easier to build a new home then to rent or purchase an existing home. With very easy citizenship requirements and ease of starting businesses, Sierra Leone is a great place for those who are looking to help build a better place to live. With a little help, Sierra Leone has all of the ingredients to be an excellent place to live.

Beautiful undeveloped land can be built into self sustaining cities.

 Isaiah Washington in Sierra Leone

"Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded.And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited." Ezekiel 36:33-35

Old structures can be made into new self sustaining buildings.

Freetown is very similar to the Bay Area of California.

 "Love thy neighbor as thyself"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Norman Dodd interview: Member of the Reece Committee investigation

This is an eye opening interview on how the education system has been corrupted for purposes other than teaching us to empower ourselves through gaining knowledge. Please do your own research on the Reece Committee investigation which the late Norman Dodd was a member.

Yale graduate Norman Dodd speaks of corrupt education (1/6)

Yale graduate Norman Dodd speaks of corrupt education (2/6)

Yale graduate Norman Dodd speaks of corrupt education (3/6)

Yale graduate Norman Dodd speaks of corrupt education (4/6)

Yale graduate Norman Dodd speaks of corrupt education (5/6)

Yale graduate Norman Dodd speaks of corrupt education (6/6)

This is another example of why we should educate ourselves instead of allowing institutions to do it for us.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to build solar panels

What will you do if energy prices begin to soar? Will you be dependent on energy corporations or will you have to let your electricity be a casualty of hard times? Energy corporations do not have to dictate whether we can continue to live and communicate in the ways that we’re used to. Energy corporations also shouldn’t determine whether underdeveloped places around the world should be able to advance to levels that some are currently on. A better world would allow for everyone to have a high standard of living without having to continually pay a corporation for the ability to do so. We can have a high standard of living without destroying our planet, and we can use the trillions of dollars that we pay for energy on our communities. The information provided is a resource for those who wish to break free from energy corporations, or to help those to adjust when those “hard times” do come our way. We would like to thank Robert Smith and Mark Patrick for providing this helpful information for the general public.

  Here's the how to from Robert Smith who is a student, and it provides very detailed information on how to build a wood solar panel. He also explains how everything works and why. He also has a website, which is we listed, in case you need more information on how he did it.

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 1

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 2

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 3

  How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 4

 How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 5

 How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 6


How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 7

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 8

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 9

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 10

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 11

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 12

 How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 13
How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 14 - School Series Part 1 

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 15 - School Series Part 2

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 16 - School Series Part 3


How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 17 - School Series Part 4 

How To Build A Solar Panel - Part 18 (Final Video)

This is Mark Patrick’s video on how to make a professional metal-framed solar panel along with how to make a battery bank. He sales these frames in case you would like to purchase his frames. We’ve provided a link to his website for anyone who is interested in purchasing his frames.

How to Build a Solar Panel - Part 1 of 3

How to Build a Solar Panel - Part 2 of 3


How to Build a Solar Panel - Part 3 of 3


How to build a solar panel- Battery Bank 


Mark Patrick's website 


We recommend a do it yourself community approach, but for those who would like to pay a professional to convert your home or business, here’s a company. We’re not endorsing any one company, but here’s an example of a professional company in the solar energy industry. 

Professional manufacturer and installer (worldwide) 


You can build your own solar energy panels that can power your homes from scratch and of course it’s more affordable all the way around. There are also ways to order the major parts to modern panels and assemble them yourselves as well. You can also higher a company to install solar panels on your house, but it will cost more money, but either way, solar energy is a great way to break free from the cost maintaining a high standard of living. We recommend that you get familiar with these building techniques and start converting your homes while energy prices are still relatively low compared to what they will be in the future. It may be time consuming for one person to build solar panels for their home, but in keeping with the spirit of coming together, if everyone comes together to work on it, it can drastically reduce the time to convert your homes. This knowledge is also a way for those who are looking into providing a useful service for their communities to provide an income for themselves for doing this work.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself"