Sunday, June 26, 2011


If you would like to start making a difference in the world and didn't know how to start, this is a great opportunity. We are looking for volunteers to help the children of Gods Vision for Africa schools in Nairobi, Kenya. This will be a great experience for all involved and you will gain a great deal of experience along with the satisfaction of knowing that you made a difference in a lot of peoples lives.

The trip is being planned for mid-November and will be a two week mission so everyone can make the proper plans. Volunteers will have host families provided for them during the visit which will give everyone the opportunity to experience the culture of Kenya first hand. For those who are interested and may not be able to afford the travel expenses, you can always look into finding a business, organization, or family members to sponsor you on this mission. For those who are interested please contact us at

Here's a list of our volunteer opportunities
Volunteer Types:

* Teaching English, computer skills, desk publishing and music -
elementary and secondary schools
* Youth outreach - leadership, skills training, counseling and health
* Vocation training - computer, artwork, tailoring,
* Health care - nursing, doctor and health education/HIV Aids (health
* Small business management - entrepreneurial skills
* Community services - program planning, resources development
* Social work - counseling, outreach
* Conservation - environment and nature
* Community development - services, program design, implementing and
* Sport training - soccer
* Teach - youth theater and arts
* Office administration and IT services
* Research and proposal writing - environmental, economic development
issues urban/slums

Note: though we require no formal qualifications, we always appreciate
more, volunteers with formal qualifications.

Further requirements are that volunteers need to be fluent in English,
have passion for helping others, willingness to work with underprivileged
people, committed, open minded, flexible, innovative, enthusiastic and
understanding. Motivation will be a very important tool.

Volunteers ought to possess the following attributes:
• A reputable background
• An ability to work under minimal supervision
• Creativity and motivation to implement projects that will benefit the
• Good communication skills
• Ability to adapt to different cultures
• Friendliness and a desire to make a difference in the lives of
disadvantaged children and their communities

 "Love thy neighbor as thyself"

Sunday, June 12, 2011

THE HIDDEN TRUTH: Making the Case for Jesus Christ

PART 1: A man that walked the earth

If there is any mans example that we should follow it should be Jesus Christ. We would like to point out a liberating fact from the outset that should bring much understanding to some. Jesus Christ has already lived and died, when he returns, everyone will know, there won't be any mistaking it. (It was written). Until that day that is written comes and He gives out the Crowns, we are all the same and should operate as such. "Love thy neighbor as thyself". Many things have been done in the name of Jesus and some of these things have been wicked. The wickedness done in the name of Jesus Christ has had a two-fold affect, both victimizing and turning away those who his message and example were meant for. There in lies the wickedness behind the confusion of taking someone’s culture. As WE all know, the truth eventually comes out, therefore in that mindset we will make our case for Jesus Christ.

Jesus had an earthly father (Joseph), mother (Mary), and he had brothers and sisters. (James, Joses, Simon, Judas) Mary only had Jesus as a child so we can get a picture of the family and extended family structure that existed at that time. It is similar to today in many ways, but today we call our siblings “step” or “half” brothers and sisters. His generation had plans for termination set forth against them too by the powers of the time (Ancient Roman Empire). Jesus spent a lot of his early days because of that threat with his family “down south” in Egypt. He was a workingman by profession, which called for one to be very strong and skilled. The neighborhood he came from was Nazareth, which would be considered the ghettos ghetto, and even in the “Israel” of that time, was considered a tough place to be from.

Even though he was born and raised in similar conditions as a lot of us today, he did not fall victim to the traps that we have fallen into under those circumstances. He did the contrary and showed us by example that it was possible to live a thorough life and be a good person in a bad place. And by doing so, he took away human kinds excuse of falling short of our potential. There has been a lot of debate about who he was, how he died or if he rose from the dead, but there is no debate about whether he was a thorough individual or any debate about whether he sinned or not. So as a man that has walked the earth, who else can claim that?

Most importantly, he gave us the Universal Wisdom of “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. He also showed us how to organize on a grassroots level for change. Today, Jesus would be considered “militant/extremist”, and if there were equivalent pictures of him and his comrades today, they would probably look pretty ominous, when painted in a certain light. It was enough to get him executed. He was looked on as a rebel for challenging the corrupt power structure, not only of our nation, but also of the world. He showed us that we could form a society without any "Masters" over us. That’s the freedom that he spoke about in his messages, and that’s what ultimately got him executed. The prophetic reasons why he was executed will be covered in later parts.

There are no pictures or video or audio recordings of Jesus. There was no Internet, television, planes, satellites, or anything else to get the message out during that time. If there were those capabilities it would still be like someone from Freetown Sierra Leone having a voice over the Western power structure. (He did it!)) His voice and most importantly actions influenced the fall of that mighty empire and have lasted far beyond it. So how can this black man who was tried, convicted, and executed for blasphemy (wicked liar), in a rundown Roman outpost (Israel) have so much influence on humanity for all of this time? Every great man since has shown some kind of trait that Jesus commanded us to display. We cannot be him but the point is to try to be like him in our own God given way. If there were any man on earth that is more worthy then Jesus Christ to follow from the aspect of a Human that ever walked the earth, please let it be known?

THIS IS NOT JESUS! This is what a Jew (Judah) in Israel would've looked like at the time of Jesus Christ, who was himself a Jew(Judah).

 "Love thy neighbor as thyself"