Monday, January 17, 2011


U.S. Sec. of State, Hillary Clinton

The U.S. government through Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently had to apologize to our brothers in Guatemala because of sexually transmitted disease experiments they conducted without their knowledge in the 1940’s. In 1972 facts came to light about the same type of experiments on African American males in the now infamous “Tuskegee Experiments” that happened in the same fashion. In 1997 President Bill Clinton finally apologized on behalf of the U.S. government for this act.


Surviving members of the Tuskegee Experiment

The Tuskegee Experiment
These incidents by themselves seem isolated but if we look at events that transpired simultaneously during that time, the secrecy surrounding these two experiments start to look very dubious. The first case of the sexually transmitted disease we know as HIV was found in the then Belgian Congo in 1957 which is right after these experiments took place in the western hemisphere. Evidence is now coming out about how HIV infected humans and who was responsible for it. This evidence points to an oral polio vaccine that was administered to the Congolese by Dr. Hilary Koprowki representing a U.S. based company called the Wistar Institute. Though this information has been available for some time, the mainstream media has been suspiciously quiet about these facts.

Congolese receiving the mandatory oral polio vaccine

Origin of AIDS documentary

Hilary Koprowski in the Congo
Hilary Koprowski

Wistar Institute
If doctors did infect other humans with HIV one would naturally conclude that this was a very reckless act by an overly ambitious doctor. However, when one looks at what was going on in that region during the time, the picture starts to look a bit different. The world was in the midst of the “cold war” and the Belgian Congo at that time was in the midst of trying to gain independence from Belgium. When we look back to the time preceding the first case of HIV in humans (late 1930’s and 1940’s), we can gain a lot of insight on the mindset of the world at that time.

In the cold war build up the U.S. and it’s allies needed access to the natural resources that are in abundance in the Congo such as Uranium. August 2, 1939 Albert Einstein wrote a letter to President Roosevelt suggesting that the U.S. obtain Uranium for the atomic bomb from the Belgian Congo. In August of 1942 General Leslie Groves, who headed the Manhattan Project, purchased 1250 tons of uranium from the Belgian Congo and stored it on Staten Island.  The only problem would be if the Belgian Congo gained independence and refused to provide these resources; especially since the Soviet Union was building their nuclear arsenal at that time. Almost exactly when the Congolese did try to gain their independence was when the first case of HIV appeared in humans using a mandatory oral polio vaccine. If we look at the seriousness of the cold war coupled with the brutal way in which the independence movement of Congo was crushed and a dictator was born; the picture doesn’t look to good. Patrice Lumumba was elected as the first Prime Minister of the Congo but was murdered by factions supported by the CIA shortly after. The eventual dictator Mobutu Sese Seko (All powerful Warrior) was supported by the U.S.. The support remained despite him not being democratically elected until the end of the cold war when the U.S. government finally stopped supporting the Mobutu government.

Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba

The last known picture taken of Patrice Lumumba

CIA's Larry Devlin

Mobutu Sese Seko

Mobutu and Ronald Reagan

If we look at all of these events surrounding the experiments in Tuskegee , Guatemala and in the Belgian Congo at that time and then add the cold war, colonialism, and money; things don’t look good at all. If we look at the war on terror and all the things done in the name of this war, we have to understand that the cold war was much more serious and the stakes were much higher. If it does end up being the case that all of this happened as part of an overall plan of action this would be very serious. It would be the largest amount of people ever killed due to a weapon of mass destruction and would leave governments to have to answer some serious questions about orchestrating an act of genocide the likes that have never been seen before. It would also permanently scar many governments not to mention the potential trillions in reparations and liability claims from every HIV patient and their descendants. That would probably be enough to bankrupt a nation found guilty of that type of a crime. From that perspective we can understand why time is allowed to pass before certain facts are released to the public. It would also be in any governments best interest to keep something like that from ever seeing the light of day.

Could the Congo be unstable today because of their natural resources? Despite the cold war being over and continued civil war in that region, there are U.S. companies doing major business in the Congo. The Congo has 64% of the worlds supply of Coltan which is essential in the operation of cell phones, laptops, and other things that keep our modern society comfortable. There are 7 U.S. based companies that do business with the Congo right now and they are Cabot Corporation, Boston, MA, OM Group, Cleveland, Ohio, AVX, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Eagle Wings Resources International, Ohio, Trinitech International, Ohio, Kemet Electronics Corporation, Greenville, South Carolina, and Vishay Sprague. Malvern, PA.

Coltan and cellphones

If true this revelation has the potential to be a bombshell but in researching this topic other disturbing information has been uncovered along these lines. Dr. Hilary Koprowski proposed that modern vaccinations be given through the food supply because it would be a great alternative to today’s painful vaccinations. By genetically altering food such as tomatoes, they could vaccinate people through the food supply. In light of Koprowski’s sketchy track record and the fact that we now have genetically altered food on store shelves throughout the world, it really makes one concerned about the food supply.

Genetically modified tomato

Now back to the Congo and HIV. Could all of this be a long string of coincidences that just happen to have all of the other factors as a backdrop? That could be the case but there should be at least more independent investigations on the subject. The modern media at best has been negligent in covering the issues surrounding the origins of the spread of HIV. This is the kind of information people take to their graves so it is up to everyone to look deeper into this issue. If it is found to be true there should be a demand for some sort of accountability for this. HIV has spread across the globe and has affected many in our communities and the Congo continues to suffer to this day. We encourage all to do their own independent research and if there is any additional information on this subject, please share it.

“Love thy neighbor as thyself”

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