Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We started following this case to give people around the world insight on how justice happens for too many of our brothers in the U.S. Unfortunately the case of Danroy Henry is not new to many in the United States, but it’s still a case that needs to have the world know about. Usually those who claim these young lives have the benefit of the doubt that they never gave their victims. The district attorney, the investigating officers, and most times, the press circle the wagons in defense of the status quo. What is the status quo? A police officers life and liberty is always more important than the citizens they are supposed to protect and serve. This mindset is magnified in communities of our lineage of "minorities" in the United States.

A grand jury indictment is one of the easiest things to obtain and yet time after time, grand juries refuse to even consider having these officers answer to a jury of their peers. This further reinforces to these officers that it’s okay to administer capital punishment at their own discretion. The fact that the U.S. Justice Department usually has to look at these cases gives us a clue as to the apathy of the “average” American citizen towards young men who descend from the line of Judah. The fact that the outcry only comes from families and small groups of sympathizers who protest, let’s us know how common and expected these tragic events have become. The Rodney King beating was caught on tape and the U.S. Justice Department still had to come in to prosecute after “average” Americans refused to bring a just outcome to that case.

The reality in the United States is, if you are a police officer, you can kill just about anyone without fear of real retribution. That’s the case no matter what ones ethnicity may be, but it seems to happen to young men like Danroy Henry more than others. What makes the United States police force any different than the Egyptian police force? There is no real difference, except that the United States projects an image of freedom and equality across the earth instead of being known for brutalizing it’s citizens. Some people are aware of the contradictions, but some would rather look away and continue with their comfortable lives. That’s not the spirit that will continue into the world to come.

How can we change these events from happening again? We need to stand together and realize that when one of us is killed unjustly, we all are killed unjustly. Love thy neighbor as thyself is not just a scarcely used slogan, it is exactly how our King (Jesus) expects us to live our lives. When we can stand together for justice for all, we will get justice for all. Why? We reap what we sow. As we allow the Danroy Henry’s of the world to continue to fall without an outcry like we would do for our own, we will continue to suffer in other ways up to and including losing our own loved ones. If you were Danroy Henrys family and friends, what would you do? 

Here's all the information on the case that we've gathered from previous notes until now. Please look at the information and share with family and friends.

 "Love thy neighbor as thyself"

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