Thursday, February 17, 2011

ECONOMICS: Food storage for a food shortage

“And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.” Daniel 12:11

With rising food prices and populations on the brink of social unrest, what will you do when everything falls apart? The point of the writings of our ancestors who have told us of things to come is to warn us so that we don’t fall victim to such drastic changes. When we look at the customs that were given to us by Moses from our Father, we can see that a sacrifice to the Lord was killing an animal, preparing it, blessing it, then eating it. That’s why we pray over our meals today even though most of us do not go through the process of actually killing it because we can buy meat at the market already prepared. The note on Matthew 24:15 where our King (JESUS) refers to the abomination of desolation and refers to what Daniel speaks of in his quote written above, goes into these types of events.

  "And if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the LORD, ye shall offer it at your own will. It shall be eaten the same day ye offer it, and on the morrow: and if ought remain until the third day, it shall be burnt in the fire." Leviticus 19:5,6

Despite what we see today, we know that there will be a time of civil unrest and a time of famine across the earth. That’s why we’ve posted information on how to grow our own food and try to be as independent as possible from the systems that we depend on. Without a source of food a community will be totally dependent on those who supply it. We will not know how safe the food supply is or if the amount of food given will be enough too sustain our families and ourselves in that time of trouble. Food storage is one way to survive in case of a shortage of food in our communities so we have given some helpful information for those who feel the need to prepare. 

The importance of food storage not only for long term storage but for every day control of your own food supply.

Here is a good guide on how to keep an inventory of what you would need for long term food storage

How to store food long term food in bulk that will last for up to 50 years.

How to can food using a cannery machine at home

The LDS church runs cannery facilities in the U.S., but anyone can go there and use their machines

If you are not able to find a cannery in your area to can or rent, you can by a can sealer on eBay for as low as $150.00, or you can buy a new one, which is more expensive. This would be a great investment for the community to come together and purchase.

Here is an example of food that can be purchased and canned from an organic wholesale distributor. It's always cheaper to do it yourself, but if you can afford it, you may want to try this method.

Some will read this post and laugh out loud, and maybe unlike our page, but some may take this information and use it for the future. The best way to store food is by coming together in our communities to do so. It’s more efficient to have an assembly line type of system to can your items for everyone on your block or amongst your groups that you associate with. No matter how you do it, we recommend that it happen because in that day, the worst thing that can happen is for family and friends to not know where your next meal will come from. Even worse would be to have to depend on an organization that may or may not be looking out for your best interests to provide life-sustaining substances to you. If you don’t do it now, we highly recommend that you start to plan before food prices get too high. Remember, it’s better to buy in bulk and it’s even better to buy organic. If you grow your own food then you’re in the best position not only to be self sufficient, but also to store for the long term.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself"

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